Friday, December 4, 2009

My Y Combinator

Recently, two people I knew have died on their motorcycles. I hope to buy a new motorcycle next year. You really start to question your own mortality when nearing 200km/h, or when a rogue raccoon decides to cross your path. Don't worry, I think he got away with nothing more than a sore tail and a bruised ego, if raccoons had egos. That was last week.

This week I am trying to sell more cars than any other salesman at the Mercedes dealership. If I do there is a very nice set of golf clubs that I will win. I'm told golf clubs are an important part of the life of a car salesman. I understand why, just not yet how.

I have had many ideas for new businesses since I started writing this blog. So far, the only one that has persisted is the one that I had before I ever started writing about it; my clothing company.

I know that if I am going to fulfill my wildest dreams of success, I need to start a new business, one with unlimited potential for growth, and profit. I read an article about Y Combinator, a company that funds small tech startups, and I am inspired by the accomplishments that the young entrepreneurs supported by this VC fund have already achieved. These are the guys that came up with things like (bought by Amazon for somewhere in the range of 8 to 10 million dollars). Now, I am no tech genius, so I don't think I'll be knocking on Y Combinators' door any time soon, but I do have some good ideas, and some that might actually be worth exploring, and maybe even investing in.

I will be going down the list off all the ideas that I've had in the last year, and see if I can either further pursue any of them, or maybe use them as a starting point to lead me to something new, something with even greater potential.

Either way, I can't stop now, I'm not there yet.

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