After nearly a month, I think I may have found my Muse (the product I will create and sell and build an automated business around). This idea I've had ticks all of the right boxes. I found my market first, one that I am already a member of, cyclists, and I looked at the activities they participate in. I discovered a problem that many of them regularly face, and I have come up with an idea for a product that makes that problem much easier. I know two different ways that I could easily distribute my product, and right now, there are no competitors in those distribution channels. Now, I have quite a bit of market testing to do first to see if this will fly, but so far this idea seems to have the best chance. Obviously, until I do my testing and actually bring the product to market I can't elaborate on what it is, but I can say that if it works with cyclists, there are a number of other athletes that it could work for as well.
So, next on the agenda is to set up an adwords campaign and see how my product could fare online, and contact one of the manufacturers that I have found and see if they can actually create my product the way that I envision it.
I am quite pleased that I landed on the idea that I have, because I was really hoping that my business would involve my lifelong passion of cycling somehow. Maybe by next year I could actually buy that Specialized road bike I want...
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