Just a short post today. If it doesn't make sense, I apologize, as I'm on a steady diet of painkillers and antibiotics, because I just had all of my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I'm pretty whacked out, but this time being laid up is giving me the chance to think about some more business ideas. Before I settle on a particular item or service, I am spending a few weeks working on coming up with as many potential ideas as possible, and from there will hopefully be able to pick the best one(s) and run with it. The other possibility is that from all of this brainstorming, I will be able to pull some of the best parts out of the pile, and have something organic develop that will be completely original.
One of the routes for product development that I am intrigued by is the one that Skull Candy Headphones used. The took a typical (yet uninteresting) product, and made it an artistic statement. By all accounts they have not improved on headphones, but by adding graphic art and bold patterns and colours, they have created something desirable. Case in point, they took a typical headphone, and created a business with 89 million dollars in revenue in 2008, and 120 million in 2009. Ridiculous and awesome.
Taking a typical product, and being creative with it sounds like a good time to me, so I will add this route to my list of methods of product development.
Anyways, that's what's been on my mind today. Deep, I know. I blame the medication.
PS, since I know Garret is the only one with this on RSS feed, Hi G-Money!
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